
Showing posts with the label female shepard

Please more Queer: The Mass Effect Romances are no longer up-to-date

Actually, romances in the Mass Effect Trilogy are a fairly simple thing. I talk to the respective team or crew member I'm interested in whenever I have the opportunity to do so. After a certain period of time (in Mass Effect 2 only after completing the respective loyalty mission), I can flirt and finally seal a romance - if Commander Shepard has the right gender. Oh yes, there was something. When I first played Mass Effect 2 on my PS3, I wanted nothing more than a romance with Tali. The quary was simply done with her determination, intelligence and faithfulness to the fleet, but also its open vulnerability. Too stupid only that I had chosen a female shepard. And if himself Jennifer Hale, the voice of Femshep wishes a romance with Tali, I'm not alone. But this representation is still missing in the original trilogy. Sure, the three parts have already around the 10 years on the hump, but the Legendary Edition has shown me again that the romances of trilogy are no longer up to d...