Dofus: Recasting CRA on Touch - target

CRA is a class that has little evolved over the updates. If on Dofus 2, the variants have revitalized, the class remains the same on touch, without real asset. Obviously, without counting its heavy damage, in zone and remotely. But then, what does this redesign CRA on Touch ?


The Dofus Touch team is not satisfying CRA currently, hence a redesign. It is part of a heavy session of balancing coming on the game, so we start very hard. The gameplay of the class was pretty poor , based on some elementary spells, then boosts: end. There were some stimulus spells, but no actually strategic stakes. There are many goals for this redesign of CRA on Dofus Touch:

  • Offer more strategic potential
  • Revaluate the class in PVP and PVM groups
  • Give new synergies between CRA spells
  • Reduce the scope of some key spells to recover in exchange for mobility and placement

The team wants to maintain the simplicity of CRA ** while offering the possibility of having some neurons with, under certain conditions, a new potential.

Separation of elementary channels For CRA

The CRA remains an archer-type (AHAH) of the video game. It is a very famous character model and Ankama did not want to drastically separate from this classic vision. The Touch team therefore chose split the elementary lanes under 3 functions Pillars: Offensive, defensive support and roder.

  • The lane Fire : raw damage and burns on opponents
  • The Terre : deterrent attacks, powerful, but reducing the possibilities of moving the CRA. Is played around a guardian state, peculiar to spells.
  • The air way : Harassment and exhaustion of enemies remotely with less powerful attacks. The CRA earns traps and poisons, with mobility.

Sorting utility and elementary spells

A new invocation: the tag

Here we are, the Tactical tag ! Always there to serve you! Except this time, no striking arrow on the horizon! The tag is a static solution that the CRA can invoke 3 times simultaneously. Most of the class spells interact with the latter, directly or not, imposing a field control in addition to the PM withdrawal and the thrust. Attention, they still occupy a slot ** despite their "static" side.

DOFUS TOUCH: CRA redesign, spells

The list below will evolve along the returns of the players during the beta and on the forum. Compared to the version on the game servers, the COSTS in PA, PM and the scope of the spells will be modified . You can also imagine that some, similar to Dofus PC , will absolutely not be identical. Your characteristics, as well as your spell points, will be refunded. The characteristics will also take you now 1 points from 1 to 100, then 2 from 101 to 200, 3 from 200 to 300, etc. It does not matter whether it's lucky, agility, strength or intelligence.

tag invocation - Level 1

Beginner's Intro to Character Builds, Dofus Touch (English)

Invokes a tag that can be used as a target or relay for the spells of the CRA. Only three tags can be present simultaneously on the ground

Record arrow - Level 1

Inflicts air damage and repels. When the spell is started on a tag and undergoing thrust damage, it inflicts air damage in the area around it.

Transfusion arrow - Level 1

Steal of life in the earth element. If the spell is launched on an ally, heals the latter a percentage of his points of life by sacrificing yours. If the CRA is caretaker, the care is carried out without consideration.

perforating arrow - Level 3

Causes fire damage. A new line of damage is added if the target has more than 50% of its health points.

Remote Shot - Level 6

Increases the scope and chances of critical coup of the allies around the launcher.

Poison arrow - Level 9

Poison the target with damage air over several turns.

Arrow Grappin - Level 13

Attracts the launcher to the targeted tag. It is therefore a form of steamer aspiration, offering a great opportunity to dismount!

Abolition arrow - Level 17

The CRA launches an arrow injuring in the fire element. If the target of the spell dies during the turn, it burns adjacent enemies and inflicts fire damage. When the spell is started on a tag of the CRA, kills the tag. The spell is then refunded. The tag inflicts fire damage and burns enemies in my contact while dying.

Dam arrow - Level 21

Causes land damages. Removes PMs to enemies if the launcher is caretaker.

Pursuit arrow - Level 26

Inflicts air damage and flies 1 pm to the target. If the target is under the effect of Chausse-hat, the PAs of the pursuit arrow spell are rendered. When the spell targets a tag of the CRA, increases the PMs of the CRA of 3 and kills the tag.

Last Bastion - Level 31

In the next round, the launcher loses all of his PMs and enters the guardian state for 1 turn. In this state, it gains a bonus of resistance and scope. It can also not be moved or teleported.

Cinglean arrow - Level 36

Tires an arrow that applies the target erosion and increases the power of allies in contact with the launcher. If the spell is launched on a tag, applies a malus of erosion on enemies and a power bonus of allies in contact with the tag. The effect is also replicated on the other tags of the CRA in the field.

ignite arrow - Level 42

Causes fire damage and pushes the targets present in the area of ​​effect. Burns the affected enemies.

Chausse-hatch - Level 48

Pose a floor trap for 2 PA without line of sight. When triggered, removes PMs to the target and inflicts air damage. The Chaussis-hatch remains visible 1 turn on the map before becoming invisible

blinding boom - level 54

Inflicts fire damage in zone and reduces the inch of affected enemies. When the target spell a tag, the effect is also replicated on the other tags of the CRA in the field.

Harcleaux arrow - Level 60

Causes land damage that increases for each consecutive launch on the same target. If a new target is affected, the bonuses are removed. This effect is cumulative 3 times. If the CRA is in caretaker, this spell does not require a line of sight.

Dispersion arrow - Level 7 0

Pushes enemy and allied entities in the area of ​​effect. When the target spell a tag, the effect is also replicated on the other tags of the CRA in the field.

Taupe Eye - Level 80

Inflicts air damage and removes PMs in its area of ​​effect. When the target spell a tag, the effect is also replicated on the other tags of the CRA in the field. No longer reveals the invisible. Cost in PA goes from 3 to 4. Lancers per turn: 2 (1 per target)

explosive arrow - level 90

Causes fire damage in the zone and increases the power of the launcher for each enemy in the area of ​​effect. The damage is increased on burned enemies. The effect is also replicated on the other tags of the CRA on the ground

Punitive arrow - Level 100

Lance earth damage and increases the damage of the spell all 3 turns. If the CRA is keeper, prevents the target from using displacement spells or moved.

Reminder tag - special spell

Targets a tactical tag on the ground. At the beginning of the next round, exchange the position of the CRA with the targeted tag. The tag will be destroyed at the end of the turn.

Rendez-vous Beta very soon. Other ChangeLogs will also be coming to detail future changes on other classes. As a reminder, the redesign of CRA on Dofus Touch offered by the game team is a first jet and will evolve over your feedback.

You can also watch Blaze's video about this for more information.


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