Monster Hunter Stories 2: So we defeat Oltura

At the end of the main quest of Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin you have to measure you with the particularly sophisticated monster Oltura as a final opponent. We lead you through all 3 phases of the fight.


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Languages: German, English, Japanese

Release: 09.07.2021

Platforms: Windows PC, Nintendo Switch

Manufacturer: Capcom

Genres: Adventure Games

More about Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin: Tips

Fighting preparation

Prerequisite for a successful fight against Oltura is a complete team of 6 monsties, which have reached all about Level 40 . If you are located below, the fight is still possible, but forgives less mistakes. How your Monsties can get the fastest levels, you will learn in our guide.

Oltura will put you under pressure with all three types of attack during the fight with all three types of attack, so each two monsters of each type should be, so that you can counteract the attacks .

Nevertheless, you will not be able to dodge some attacks. For this reason, enough life points are playing. Each of your monster, as well as your own should own at least 250 HP. The more, the better.

Before the fight also fills your inventory with megatr drinks and life powder , as you always have to keep your team at full health in the course of the fight.

An important part of the fight is the destruction of individual body parts of Oltura. Here are impact attacks of bows or the gun lance particularly effective.

First Phase: Attack Types and Weak points

CONDITION | Type of attack | Konter --- | --- |- Normal | Technology | power Angry | Power | speed First wing pair | Power | speed Second wing pair | Speed ​​| technology

During the fight, you have two priorities: to fill your binding beams and always keep your life energy full. So you should use every round, in the Oltura no direct, counterable attack, to use your team to heal and buffer. The rifle lance is a good choice to quickly fill your binding bars. Alternatively, the ability band offers the binding of the hunting horn.

After about 6 laps Oltura grows a second wing pair and it reduces the life points of your team to 1 . First heals your team with life powder. Now focus on destroying the wings. Your bond skills are particularly effective. As soon as both wings are broken, Oltura returns to normal state and the whole process starts from the front.

After brake the wings a second time, Oltura is supposed to go to the ground. In fact, the second phase of the fight starts now. In any case, tries to have a monster with full binding beam in your team at the end of the first phase.

Second Phase: Brecht Immediately the wings

CONDITION | Type of attack | Konter --- | --- |- Normal | Technology | power

At the beginning of the second phase, Oltura again meets with a mighty attack that reduces your entire life energy to 1. In addition, Oltrua in this phase has both two wings and two fins.

The special thing about the second phase: The more wing Oltura has, the more often it can attack per round. Your top priority is therefore to destroy the wings again. In this respect, you have a full binding beam, you should immediately use your binding ability. As a result, your Oltura's entire attack phase interrits and have a good chance to destroy one of the wings directly.

If you do not have a full binding beam, you should instead heal your entire team with a life powder, as Oltura otherwise defeated you with its multiple attacks. After you have broken both wings, it goes into the final phase.

Final Phase: So you survive the one-shot

In the last phase, Oltura spends 5 rounds to charge a deadly one-shot. So you only have five more rounds to defeat the monster. If you do not create it during this time, you still have a chance to survive the attack.

ensures that Kyle has at least two hearts and your character with Monstie still has 3 hearts . At the attack you lose a heart per character, but then again 5 laps time to finish the fight.

If you and your Monstiere have only two or even a heart, you can survive the attack with a trick : fills the binding beam within the five rounds and rides in the sixth round on your monster . OLTURAS ONE-SHOT will throw you from your monster, but you do not lose hearts. However, if Kyle has only a heart at this point, the fight is lost.

In this respect, you have enough hearts to survive the one-shot, you focus your entire attack power on Oltura to finish the fight as soon as possible. Once Oltura is defeated, you mastered the main quest and can enjoy the credits. Now the endgame is waiting for you!


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