PlayDate: The stocks of 2021 elapsed in 20 minutes

Playdate - New Handheld with a CRANK - Games Revealed & Pre-Order Info!

You can always go to the PlayDate website and pre-ordered it. On the other hand, you will not receive the Panic console before next year. The company had ordered only 20,000 copies and all found takers. It seems that the interest of players for the small machine is real, even if we can consider a quite shy stock to start. PANIC indicated that this first batch had elapsed in less than 20 minutes . Everything did not happen ideally, some people who had an address bug, others found the terrible message "breaking stock". Since then, everything has returned to order. Or almost, scalpers who have already shown their intentions on a famous online auction site, offering playDate at a salty rate. It is recalled that the crank machine costs 179 dollars and will take advantage of 24 independent games, for download during its first season.


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