Monster Hunter World: Iceborne PC - Stygian Zinoge Now Live, Safi'jiiva Victory Comes next week - Monster Hunterwelt - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cultu

There are currently new armor and weapons and a new guiding country region available.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Players On the PC, the second major title update will finally receive a new monster variant Stygian Zinogery to the game. It also brings new weapons and armor sets associated with the monster along with a new tundra region, the guiding lands. Take a look at the trailer below.

More important, however, is that this update prepares the stage for the Safi'jiiva victory quest, which starts on March 20th. In the long-awaited quest, 16 players in four groups against the older dragon, collecting energy and force him deeper into the underground to kill him. The rewards are new Safi'jiiva weapons that are incredibly powerful and extremely customizable.

MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: Which Weapons Fit Your Playstyle? (All 14 Weapons Explained) PC players can look forward to even more content in April when Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang are added to the game. Console players occur on 23 March against both monsters and deal with their extremely aggressive tactics at an early stage. Further information on future updates can be found here eisborn meanwhile.

Keywords: Capcom, Monster Hunterwelt, Monster Hunterwelt: Iceborne, PC, PS4, Xbox One


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