NHN, 2020 Voluntary Energy Efficiency Target

[Kids News 24 Municipal Reporter] NHN (Representative Jung Woo-jin) announced on the 19-day 19-day workplace 2020 voluntary energy efficiency target in the Korea Energy Industrial Complex.

Voluntary Energy Efficiency Targets voluntarily establishes the energy source of energy by voluntarily by voluntarily establishing an energy source improvement goal and submitting the energy efficiency of energy efficiency and submitting energy efficiency and improving energy efficiency, and assessing the goal, A system that grants authentication.

NHN explained 1.04% YoY (2017-2019), the 2020 energy source unit of NCC1, which is built with its own technology, and 1.04% YoY (2017-2019) and achieved more than twice the target improvement rate (0.5%).

In particular, energy efficiency improvement activities throughout the NCC1 data center facilities and minimized power energy use for cooling.

In addition, it emphasized that NCC1 was the 2020th average PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness, Power Efficiency Index) to 1.33 and demonstrated its highest level of energy efficiency. This is a significant lower than the global data center average (1.59), which has recently released the US IT Market Research Company (Uptime Institute (1.59).

Kang Min-soo NHN Cloud Service Center said, With the time of climate change, the importance of eco-friendly data centers that minimizes carbon emissions is growing, In the future, NHN is actively in the development of sustainable technology I will lead the lead.

Meanwhile, NHN recognized energy efficiency and technology innovation achievement, and won the Korea Energy Target Cognition, and the Energy Champion and Consumer Citizens' Meeting of the Energy Champion and Consumer Citizen Meeting We have achieved the savings and achieved the energy of Energy.


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