SV Darmstadt 98 rewards Clemens Riedel with Professional Treaty

Behind Riedel is a steep climb: In the summer of 2019 he had come as a 16-year-old from the Youth of TSG Wieseck in the offspring of SV 98. But already in the past twelve - so after only one and a half years and at the age of 17 - Riedel trained regularly with the professionals. In the summer then followed the next career step when he was allowed to join the preparation under Torsten Lieberknecht. And to convince it knew: right at the season opener he celebrated his professional debut, in the five previous league games he came to four missions (Youth average grade: 3:17).

Riedel: Indescribable feeling

Clemens has been absolutely earning the contract with his achievements since the beginning of the preparation. He is already very ripe for his age, he has demonstrated that with his first professional missions, commented Lilien-Manager Carsten Wehlmann. We will continue to support him and accompany it closely with his further steps.

It's an indescribable feeling of having signed my first professional contract, said Riedel. I currently absorb every moment and do not look at the professionals at the professionals. At the same time, I am aware that only by my professional contract my approach is not changing and I would like to remain humble.

Three talents celebrated their debuts this season

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Riedel is not the only youngster that celebrated his professional debut in the lilies this season. Even the 16-year-old Philipp Sunn and the 18-year-old John Peter Sesay came for the first time in the 2nd league.

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