Village Club: Long break for keeper Nreca

Once in Großaspach, the football played, but then switched to the TSG Hoffenheim and came there for the U 17 and the U 19 used. Lastly, he was standing for the Karlsruhe SC in the A-Junior Bundesliga between the posts.

Nreca-Bissen has already been successfully operated after club information. I'm so sorry for David, as he did a great job last Sunday and had a significant proportion of our first score. But I'm sure he will give everything for a soon comeback - we will of course Best assistant support, says sport director Joannis Koukoutrigas. With Max Reule, another keeper is already injured in the long term.

Was already in the village club youth active

However, the obligation of VAT should be seen regardless of the violation of Nreca Bisinger. You wanted to take another young keeper in the team. With Michael, we have found this keeper now and look forward to convincing him from a commitment to our SG, says Koukoutrigas.

If he emphasized that he knew the SG well out of his youth: All the more I am pleased to return here again and hope that I can best contribute to the Regionalliga team.


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