Here the first unboxing of the switch OLED

On October 8, the Nintendo Switch OLED will arrive at the international market. Although a couple of weeks are still missing for this, it seems that some people in Japan have already access to this console. In this way, today a video has been published that shows us a unboxing of the new hardware piece , and shows us the hybrid platform in action.

Recently, a Japanese YouTuber, known as Hikakin, published a video where we can see a unboxing for the Nintendo Switch Oled. Here it is possible to appreciate a comparison of sizes between this new model, the original, and the lite version . We also have a good look at everything that is included in the box, to the new Dock and the Joy-with whites.

Along with this, it is possible to see a little Gameplay of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in portable mode, which gives us a good idea of ​​how the games will be seen on a seven-inch screen , although it is a bit It is difficult to appreciate the quality of the OLED screen. Similarly, it is possible to appreciate how online games run using the new Ethernet port.

The Nintendo Switch OLED will arrive at the international market next October 8 , with the promise of reaching other countries, such as Mexico, at some point of this year. In related topics, Great N talks about reducing price for switch. In the same way, Bluetooth hearing aids are already compatible with the console.

Via: Hikakin.


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