IBAI believes in "El Plan" and announces the Twitch Grand Prix, a Karts race between Streamers

If there is a streamer that you can not stay still at any time and wants to remain the King of Twitch , that is IAI Llanos . The Basque Content Creator began 2022 to the big time with the Disaster Chefs program, which, although it was not incredibly romped or was extremely fun and entertaining, which is what really matters.


But this time he has set aside the pans and cutlery to put on a helmet and gloves Hopefully carrying out "the plan": he will make the first Great Twitch Prize in the form of Karts next 26 and February 27 And it will not be alone, but it will be full of surprises and pleasant encounters with traditional television.

IAI will be the master of ceremonies along with nothing more and nothing less than Antonio Lovato , commentator of Formula 1 since time immemorial, and Pedro Martínez de la Rosa , legendary driver of these engines and holding the Quick turn from Bahrain for 16 years. The operation of this tournament is not very complicated to understand: 20 Streamers and content creators will be divided into 10 scarps (a couple for each of them) and the faces will be seen on the asphalt of a racetrack in Somewhere in Barcelona to see who is the champion in a two-day stretch.

According to the IAI itself Each race will not last too long , about 25-30 minutes, with a ranking phase and a race. To make it more exciting and the results are not the same, the positions of the runners will be inverse to those of their result in their last race . That is, if for example Mandarin is 18th in the first race, the second will begin it in the third position.

You still do not know what streamers will be invited , but it is likely that we see the faces of Lojban, Pokeys, Cristina and company together some other content creator of KOI and STREAMERS smaller (or so we believe). What we are sure is that the Basque personality will spray the spectator meters again at this beginning of 2022.


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