Cycle: The location of radio equipment Frontier

Although the name may indicate that they can be used for communication, radio equipment in The Cycle: Frontier is largely just garbage. However, garbage for one person is a treasure for another, right? These discarded old radio components can be saved or sold for useful items. Below we allocated the best places for the appearance of radio equipment in The Cycle: Frontier so that players can get this resource.

Cycle: The location of radio equipment Frontier

Exploring The Cycle cards, you can find a lot of radio equipment in containers. You can easily find radio equipment at all levels of baggage and portfolios.

Baggage gives a chance to fall in radio equipment from 4.9 to 9%. Meanwhile, the portfolios are slightly lower with a probability of 3.5 to 4.9%.

location of radio equipment Bright Sands

The base camp and a crashed ship are the two best places where you can find radio equipment on bright sands. There are many drops to find radio equipment. Both the basic camp and the crashed ship are littered with baggage and portfolios from which you can rob and receive radio equipment.

In addition, you can also reliably receive radio equipment from communication towers, a waterfall laboratory and a water body. These places can also be regularly investigated in order to get several radio equipment.


The location of the radio equipment of the Crossbell

Like the Bright Sands map, radio equipment is easy to find across the Cresscent Falls map. The best places for receiving radio equipment are GRENS Avenue, east of Hay Fields, south of Pinnacle Labs and north-east of the Oasis Wildlife Preserve reserve.

In addition, you can also get a reliable supply of radio equipment from the warehouse of the spaceport, thermal ponds of the lagoon and the fallen tree.


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