Guide for beginners Roblox Rift Royale

If you are looking for the experience of the royal battle in Roblox, Rift Royal here to satisfy your needs. In this third-person, on the basis of Roblox, you jump with a parachute to the island to get weapons and consumables, and fight with your teammates to remain the last team. Players can play with friends or unite with random players in duets or detachments. Players who are poorly familiar with the game or are unfamiliar with the format of the royal battle will be quite difficult to win games without understanding the main tactics. This leadership gives newcomers several important tips and techniques that will help them get an advantage in Roblox Rift Royal.

The best tips and recommendations for beginners at Roblox Rift Royale

Pick up armor

Armor is one of the most important things that you must equip in every game to make sure that you have the highest chances of survival in a shootout. There are three types of armor-light, medium and heavy. The armor add an additional level of damage protection compared to your health scale and sometimes can become a decisive factor in the battle. Therefore, always look for the best armor.

Decide your game

Before you land from the plane, first decide on your approach. If you want to play aggressively and rush to enemies, land at an early stage of the flight to find yourself in the most crowded places in the map. If instead you want to play passively, just rob and survive, then land in the later stages of flight way. This guarantees that there will be fewer enemies next to you, which will give you more time for prey.

collect consumables


The collection of consumables, such as bandages and reloading of the shield, is of paramount importance. In the midst of the battle, you will inevitably receive damage, and you will need to treat yourself and reload your shields. Do not copy your inventory only with weapons; Wearing with you consumables that will help you hold out in battles longer.

run faster

It is difficult to get into a rapidly moving target. Therefore, when running, always be sure to switch to your knife. Running with a knife makes you run much faster than with weapons and will help you quickly avoid dangerous situations.

Take the height

One of the best advantages that you can have over the enemy is growth. Always try to climb high positions, for example, to the tops of the hills and roofs of buildings to get an advantage in height above the enemy. This will help you easily see them, and it will be more difficult for enemies to shoot in response. You can effectively use the starting area to get a powerful jump and easily get to high places.

Looking for more remarkable impressions of the Royal Battle of Roblox? Check out our list of ISland Royale codes right here in the game guides for professionals.


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